Thursday, October 29, 2009

We should all be in therapy

My stepmother thinks I have made this great improvement since I have been in therapy but she can’t really pin down what the improvement is. This to me either means she wants to encourage me to go but doesn’t know how its helping she just knows I am fucked up and need help. Or she really has seen some kind of huge improvement in me. Either way I take a bit of offence to it and I am not really sure why. First let me be clear I not now nor will I ever be ashamed of going to therapy so I have no problem telling people I am in therapy and talking about it to who ever wants to know. However the things I actually talk about in therapy are simply between me and my therapist so when you ask me what we talk about I wont tell you. I mean I might say oh you know family stuff and personal stuff but in my experience if you ask me what I talk about its because your afraid I talk about you. Let me just clear your mind for you I do talk about you A LOT so suck it.

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